Are you leaving issues as they are?

Such as …
Problems about International transaction/ Frustration by communicating with the headquarters in English / Transfer pricing taxation issues

Issues Small-sized company
may have
(outsourcing booking)

  • CPTA does not provide appropriate answers to the questions about international transactions.
  • CPTA cannot respond questions about monthly report directly from the headquarters.
  • CPTA cannot explain directly to the headquarters in English how to handle tax affairs.
  • (Frustration that) CPTA takes long time to send notification of tax dues. Tax return submission is near the deadline.
  • CPTA is not friendly enough to ask simple questions.
  • CPTA was not reliable during tax audit.
  • CPTA gives us only information about tax reform; he/she does not give us any guidelines or solution in details.

Issues medium to large sized company may have
(in-house booking)

  • CPTA does not provide appropriate answers to the questions about international transactions.
  • Being an only person of in-house accountant, it is hard to ask for any help or advice.
  • Current CPTA who files annual tax return belongs to a major office and is not friendly enough to ask simple question or consult.
  • (Frustration that) CPTA takes long time to send notification of tax dues. Tax return submission is near the deadline.
  • Seeking for a local CPTA who can handle tax affair inclusively, from tax return to preparation of local file and transfer price documents.
  • Major CPTA offices have several subdivisions that makes it harder to solve issues promptly.
  • (insecurity that) CPTA did not offer any support after tax audit.
If you are a foreign company and has any issues listed above …
you are facing risk ,such as …
Additional tax due of large amount after tax audit.
Serious dispute due to misunderstanding or lack of recognition of the headquarters.
Anxiety of cash flow, including fund to pay tax.
Cannot meet the headquarters expectations.


Sakashita International Tax Accountant Co. is specialized in foreign companies and well informed about international tax affairs
With high quality services, we support your company's administration.
For more information, you can read the documents below. We will propose solution for any issues you may have.

Outsoursing booking or
Small-sized company

In-house booking or Medium to large sized company

In the documents above, we introduce proposals to resolve the problems our clients had in the past.

why Sakashita International Tax Accountant Co. is chosen

Well informed about international tax affairs

Typical local CPTA office

Mainly general accounting operation for the Japanese companies
Not familiar with international transaction
90% of our clients are foreign companies.
Wealth of experience
in international transaction.

Deal with tax issues inclusively for companies with
annual revenue of one billion yen and more.

Typical local CPTA office

Most of the clients are small sized.
CPTA is not familiar with complexity of tax affairs.
1/3 of our clients are foreign companies with annual revenue of one billion yen and more.
with the complexity of tax affairs of medium to large sized companies.

Communication in English

Typical local CPTA office

Questions form the headquarters are delivered via company in Japan
which takes extra time and may not be delivered accurately.
Technical issues can be explained directly to the headquarters in English
Smooth communication

Quick and accurate operation

Typical local CPTA office

Response from CPTA takes long time.
Deliverables are submitted at the last minutes.
Not enough time to confirm in-house.
We give quick response, making time management easier.
We provide deliverables well in advance to prepare even for the audit of listed parent company.

You can contact us anytime

Major CPTA office

CPTA changes often and not friendly enough to ask question especially only entrusting once-a-year tax file preparation.
When we request consultation, high fee is invoiced.
Even if contract is not monthly, we respond questions about daily transactions.
Enables you to resolve the problems quickly.


Reduce Tax risk
regarding international transactions
We advise accurately on tax affairs about international transactions. You will be well prepared for the possible tax audit in the future.
No longer anxious of
being an only accountant
Being an only accountant in the office cause you a lot of stress and uneasiness. Our book review covers inclusively - not to mention confirming contract details, but also follows compliance
Communicate directly to the headquarters
in English
We can contact the headquarters directly to discuss tax risk in Japan and propose solution.
Advice about various
tax issues
Comprehensive advise about various tax issues for companies with annual revenue of one billion yen and more, such as cost accounting, managerial accounting, transfer price and custom issues.
Our consultation services
are centralized
You can ask us for any issues inclusively - tax return, transfer price, custom issues.
Propose the best solution
for each client
You can ask us daily question anytime.Based on the situation we hear from our clients, we propose the best solution.

Brochure present

For accountant of
foreign company

We are now offering brochure present ”5 important points” when you visit our office for consultation.

In this brochure, it explains some important points regarding tax affairs n international transition.
Since our establishment, Sakashita International Tax Accountant Co. has been offering services specialized in international tax affairs, handling many problems. This experience enables us to assist and guide our client to better outcome.
If you are interested, we are happy to share with you.


More than 90% of
our clients are foeign companies
40% of our clients’ parent companies are listed
30% of our clients are medium to large sized companies with annual revenue of one billion yen or more
78% of our clients are surplus


Next, we will do our best for your company.
From the client's point of view, we always think and porpose promptly and closely.
About US







Resolve the issues of international taxation